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Paul Daly Band
Frauenplatz 11, 80331 München
Mail: pauldalyband@pdpf.de
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Our latest CD , recorded in November 2020 during Lockdown. With Bouzouki, Mandoline and Harmonica s well as Fiddle Guitar and Whistle the sound is a tribute to the Band Planxty who first made these instruemnts popular in Irish Music in the early 1970’s . The Album includes two Planxty tracks and a number of songs recorded by Christ Moore , the original front man of the band. A second main Theme to the Album with four tracks on the Subject are songs about Irishmen working on the Building sites in England in the 1950s and 1960s.
At a lot of our Live Concerts many asked us for a CD with an exclusive collection of Irish Songs and this is our reply.
Track 1: Paddy on the Road: A song written by Dominic Behan, who wrote many fine Irish Ballads about Irish Workers who helped to rebuild England after the Second World War.
Track 2: As I Roved Out/ Ships are Sailing.
The First of the Planxty Songs . A traditional song about a Girl in
Love with a Soldier and her attempts to get him to tie the kont. Followed by a Tune we though fits well . The
Track 3: Dublin Saunter. Paul Sings a Dublin song written by Leo Maguire and first recorded by Noel Purcell, well known Irish Actor and that he first heard played on the Piano by his Grandfather in the mid 1960’s
Track 4: The Rocky Road to Dublin. One of the songs most requested at our Live Concerts and recently added to the Band’s Repertoire. Another Song about Irishmen working in England. They didn’t always get a friendly reception but they did stick together to help each other out.
Track 5: Galway to Graceland: A song written by Richard Thomas about a middle aged Galway Housewife in love with Elvis who decideds to leave her life in Surburbia behind her and head to Elvis in Graceland. “She was down by his Graveside Day after day” until they dragged her away.
Track 6: Another Irish Rover. A more Modern song originally recorded by 4 Men and a Dog in our version.
Track 7 Follow up to Carlow. A Blood thristy song about the Advetures of Fiach McHugh O’Byrne and his trouble with British Soldiers during the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First of England.
Tack 8: A song by Barney Rushe the man responsible for Paul Daly being here in Germany. Paul played a residency in Barney’s Pub in 1983/84 before moving on to open Bars in Regensburg, Munich and Salzburg. The song was originally recorded by Christ Moore.
Track 9: The Good Ship Kangaroo. A Traditional song also recorded by Planxty about as Sailor who comes back to find his Girl decided she wasn’t going to wait and found herself another Man.
Track 10: Crooked Jack. A song about a man who worked on the Building sites for a decades until as an bent over Old man he no longer could phyiscally do such heavy work and his regrets..
Track 11: Fronm Clare to Here. A song from Ralph McTell who worked alöongside Irishmen on Builiding sites who always talked about moving back home to Ireand but spent all their wages at the weekends and so never managed to leave England and the hard work on the sites.
Track 12: The Black Velvet Band . A very Popular Irish Ballad about a Young man ending up in Australia foer being found guilty of a crime he claimed he didn’t do.
Track 13: The story of the Irish Revelotionary Joseph Plunkett who married his Fiancee “Grace” in his prison Cell hozrs before he was taken out and shot and executed as aLeader of the 1916 Raising in Dublin.
Track 14: Finnegans Wake. Famous Dublin Ballad abouut Tim who died or so they all thought until at the wild Party that was his Wake people started trowing Whiskey around and Tim was not amused !!
Track 15: The Mountains of Mourne.. The story of Irish People working in England but longing to return to their birthplace at the foot of the Mountains of Mourne.
Track 16: The Auld Triangle. A Love song about a Prisoner dreaming about his Girlfriend and feeling very sad for himself !
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